What Is A Fat Burner?

What Is A Fat Burner? Fat burners (or thermogenics) are dietary supplements that contain herbal extracts and stimulants that use the process of thermogenesis to encourage weight loss

Dieters Guide to Stimulants in Weight Loss

Dieters Guide to Stimulants in Weight Loss Why are Stimulants Used in Weight Loss Pills? Stimulants are commonly used in weight loss supplements for their effects on the body’s natural metabolism and for their appetite suppressing qualities.

Fat Burners and Exercise

Whether you don’t enjoy going to the gym, don’t have the time or just don’t want to invest the money in a gym membership, there are alternative ways that you can burn fat and get in shape without even leaving the house.

Diet Pills Important Information to Know

Diet Pills – Important Information to Know If you’re looking to lose weight, you might find yourself browsing the selection of diet pills that are available on the market

Phentermine Diet Pills and Non-Prescription Alternatives

You may have heard about phenterminediet pills and be thinking about buying them to help with your weight loss. Before you do, it’s important to find out more about them..


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Three Things You Must Do To Prevent Over-Use Injuries

Three Things You Must Do To Prevent Over-Use Injuries

One of the most important things that you should be doing as you go about your workout plan is aiming to prevent injuries from occurring.  Injuries are the fastest way to kill any progress dead in its tracks and often come about for the silliest reasons.
Overuse injuries in particular are the form of injury that you can definitely prevent as long as you’re smart with how you go about your workouts.
Taking a few steps to really safeguard against injuries will be vital to your long-term success. If you end up sidelined, you’ll definitely not be moving in the direction you want to go. 
Let’s have a look at what you should consider.

Change Up Your Cardio Mode
The very first thing that you can do to prevent overuse injuries from occurring is to make sure that you change up your mode of cardio from time to time.
Cardio training is what most often brings about overuse injuries because you’re doing the same action over and over and over again.
Running is especially bad for this so if you’re an avid runner, you may want to consider cycling or using the cross trainer once in a while instead.
Not only will changing it up help to prevent overuse injuries, but it will also help to stimulate your muscles in a new manner and bring about faster overall results.

Make Sure You Get Good Rest Each Week
Second, the next thing that you must make sure you’re doing is getting enough rest each week.  Overuse injuries are far more likely to occur if you’re suffering from overtraining as well, so it’s critical to have that down time scheduled in.
You should ideally be taking at least one day off each and every week and then also incorporating a few lighter days into the mix as well.
If you are well rested going into each workout session, you’ll be more mindful of your form as well and the muscles and joints won’t be as stressed as they otherwise would be.
One day off is an absolute must to keep your body feeling fresh at all times.

Don’t Train Too Fatigued
Finally, the last important thing that you should be doing to help prevent over-use injuries is to make sure that you aren’t training when you’re too fatigued.
Training in a fatigued state is especially dangerous because you are much more likely to get sloppy with your form.

In terms of overuse injuries, this will be even worse because if you’re doing an exercise variation that is extremely repetitive, the chances of getting sloppy are that much more likely.
While it’s good to push through a workout through light fatigue as everyone does have those days where they just don’t feel like it, avoid training when you’re incredibly tired and should just take the day off to rest.

There’s a big difference between slight fatigue and feeling very exhausted so make sure that you know and understand this.

So there you have the top tips to remember to prevent over-use injuries.  If you ensure you incorporate these into your approach, you can be sure to stay injury free for the coming months ahead.  

The Top Reasons Most People Fail At Fat Loss And What You Can Do About It

The Top Reasons Most People Fail At Fat Loss And What You Can Do About It

If you’re on a mission to achieve your goal body weight, it’s important that you take a pro-active approach in learning what often causes people to struggle on their plan and what you can do about it so that you move forward rather than backward.

It’s an extremely common scenario – someone looking to lose weight starts out great with the scale moving exactly as they had hoped for but as time passes on, that shifts and pretty soon they’re feeling frustrated and hopeless that results are actually going to come.

Typically this is due to one or two minor mistakes that they’re making that are holding them back from seeing the progress they desire, so by getting these in check for yourself, you can make sure that they don’t come to hinder you.
Let’s look at what you should know.

They Don’t Re-Evaluate Their Intake After Losing Weight
The very first mistake that’s made is neglecting to re-evaluate their calorie intake after weight loss occurs.  Remember, as you lose body weight, you’ll be burning fewer calories every day just to stay alive. 
This then means that your total weight loss calorie intake needs to come down otherwise you’re going to likely be eating at a maintenance level instead.
If you fail to reduce your calories further as fat loss keeps taking place, it’s only going to be so long before you hit a plateau.

They Don’t Factor In Small ‘Bites’
The second big error that some people make is failing to account for the small bites that they take here and there.
You may think that that half a cookie won’t really matter, but in the long-run, it will.  Each of those bites adds up over time and it could really influence your rate of success.
If the unaccounted for bites are happening often enough, you could be cancelling out the entire deficit that you’re creating.

They Use Black And White Thinking
Another common error for many people is using black and white thinking patterns with their program.  They believe that they have to be 100% on at all times. If they aren’t, they might as well throw in the towel.
This is a very bad thought pattern to get into because it’ll cause you to easily lose focus as soon as a minor slip up takes place.
Minor slip-ups typically have very little influence on the end results as long as you move on immediately from them.
It’s when you let that minor slip-up turn into a major slip-up that big problems are going to occur.

They Aren’t Constantly Planning
Finally, last but not least, another big mistake is failing to plan.  Always try and pre-plan your meals and snacks as much as you possibly can. If you aren’t planning out what you’re going to be eating each day, you’re leaving it up to change.

Leaving it up to chance invites unhealthy foods in and this will throw off your results.

So there you have the top reasons why many people fail with their diet program.  Do you see yourself in any of these? If you do, it’s time to make a few changes to make sure you’re moving forwards rather than backwards.  

Best Moves To Slim Your Love Handles

 Best Moves To Slim Your Love Handles

One of the most common goals that most people have as they go about their fitness program is to find out how to slim their love handles.  The sides of the stomach region, also known as the ‘love handles’ are the place where many people do tend to store their body fat, so it’s always one of the main places where most tend to focus on.

Understanding which moves are going to best target your love handles is important as then you can be sure to incorporate these into your workout sessions so that you are doing everything in your power to tone them up.

One thing that you do need to keep in mind however as you do this as that it’s imperative that you’re also following a lower calorie diet plan as not only do you need to tone the love handles by strengthening the muscles, but you’ll also need to lose the fat that’s covering them.
A good diet combined with the following moves is going to be your recipe for success.
Here are the main exercises to consider.

The Bicycle
The bicycle is the first move that you’ll definitely want to be doing as you go about your workout program.  This exercise is going to have you rapidly shifting from side to side, which will definitely go a long way towards keeping the stress on the oblique muscles.
The bicycle is going to be great for those who also want to firm up the lower abs as well as they’ll be in a state of constant contraction as your legs are hovering above the floor.
When performing this exercise make sure to maintain a nice and slow movement pattern as this will keep maximum tension on the oblique muscles.

Prone Ball Roll Ins To The Side
The second exercise that you’ll want to think about doing as part of your workout to target the love handles is the prone ball roll in to the side.  This movement is especially great because due to the prone body position along with being on the exercise ball, it’s really going to place you off balance.
Each time you squeeze the ball into the side of the body you’re going to really feel it in the oblique muscles, illustrating to you that these muscles are definitely working.

Decline Twisting Sit-Ups
Decline twisting sit-ups are the next top move to hit the oblique muscles in your workout sessions.  Decline twisting sit-ups are more intense than normal sit-ups because of the fact that you will be working against gravity as you lower the body and rise up again.

When doing this exercise you want to focus on twisting as far to one side as you possibly can and then back again as this will help work the muscles across the full range of motion.

So there you have a few of the top moves that you should definitely consider incorporating into your core workout to help you see faster results at toning the stomach and love handles and developing your dream body.  Do these three times per week for 15-20 reps per set and 2-3 sets per exercise and you’ll be on track to results. 

How To Get Motivated To Get Back Into The Gym This Fall

How To Get Motivated To Get Back Into The Gym This Fall

With summer now wrapping up, some of you may be thinking about heading back into the gym to get started with your fat loss workout program again.  With the holidays now over, chances are you’re starting to focus a little more on getting back on track with your eating habits and making sure that you’re fitting in exercise regularly.

If you’ve had some time away from the gym however, it can be a bit of a struggle to motivate yourself to get right back on track.
Fortunately, with a few quick techniques, you can regain your motivation and see the results you’re after. Let’s have a look at a few things that you should be doing during this time.

Set Some New Goals
The first and best way to get yourself motivated is to set some fresh goals that you want to accomplish this coming fall and winter.
As the summer took place there’s a good chance you weren’t really working towards any goals in particular, just trying to maintain your body weight and some degree of fitness.
But now that you’re getting back into a routine and are going to be going to the gym regularly, it’s time to change that.  Come up with some very specific objectives that you want to accomplish.
Whether it’s adding more weight to select lifts you’re doing or running a mile in a certain time frame – the more specific you can be with this, the better.

Come Up With A New Workout Program
Second, the next important thing that you can do to get yourself motivated is to come up with a new workout program.  Don’t go back and just continue on where you left off before summer hit.
That routine will now be outdated and may not even be applicable to the goals you have set now anyway.  Plus, you want a full new routine that’s going to fully challenge your muscles and take you to the next level. 
A new workout program will do just the trick.

Try A New Group Fitness Class
On the cardio side of things, if you’ve always been the type to gravitate to the cardio machines, now might just be the time to consider doing something new.
Check out one of the hottest Zumba dance classes that are becoming incredibly popular among many people right now or look into a boot camp class that will definitely take your fitness up a notch.
All of these are great ways to get in shape and have fun at the same time.  If you’re dreading workout after workout on the treadmill, you must find something else to do or it’s only going to be so long before you’re stuck in a rut and not moving forward.

Get A Good Diet Started As Well
Finally, last but not least, make sure you have a good diet plan in place as well.  Many people overlook the importance of diet in terms of changing their body but the two really do go hand in hand.
Plus, those who are making a concentrated effort on eating better also typically find that they’re more motivated to keep up with their workouts, so this can definitely push you in the right direction.
So there you have the top things that you’ll want to keep in mind as you go about your workout sessions this fall.  Taking little steps to keep yourself motivated will really help ensure you stick to the plan long-term.

As a last tip – consider adding Phen375 supplement to your diet program. 

Gear Up For Back To School With These Kid-Friendly Activities

Gear Up For Back To School With These Kid-Friendly Activities

As the kids get ready to go back to school, it’s important that you not only think about making sure you get active this coming fall, but that they do as well.
Sadly, more and more younger people in our society are becoming completely sedentary, which is only causing them to struggle with their body weight at a younger age.
The good news however is that if you make fitness a family affair, it definitely doesn’t need to be this way.  The key is finding activities that both you and your children enjoy so that you can stay active together.

This will not only reduce the chances that your kids suffer from bodyweight issues down the road, but also help to strengthen your family connection as well.
Let’s have a look at a few things that you’ll want to try.

Outdoor Cycling
Outdoor cycling is a great form of exercise for you to do with your kids as most children enjoy this form of exercise as well.
Cycling is great for working the cardiovascular system as well as strengthening the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

If you’re really ambitious and have a whole afternoon to spend together, consider biking across the city to a nearby park and going for a picnic while you’re out and about.
Pack a healthy lunch to take with you and you’ll not only boost your fitness level but improve your diet as well.

Frisbee is another excellent activity to do with your kids and is incredibly simple and cost effective.  Frisbee is great because it involves a high amount of running, which will keep their heart rate up and get them burning up calories.
Hand-eye coordination will also be strengthened when playing Frisbee, which will then help to improve the performance they show in another other organized sports down the road.

Paddle Boating
Finally, paddle boating is the last kid-friendly activity that you may want to consider doing with your kids this coming fall. Take the opportunity while the weather is still warmer to get out on the lack for a few hours.

Paddle boating will make for a good lower body workout and will definitely allow them to have some fun at the same time.

If you have slightly older kids who are more physically inclined, you might also consider canoeing or kayaking as an alternative exercise as well.
So there you have a few ideas to get you started on how you can get active with your kids this coming fall.  It’s incredibly important for you as a parent to set a good example for your kids and show them how much fun leading an active lifestyle can be.

If you work on building up their enjoyment in physical activity and exercise right now, there is a much greater chance that they’ll maintain these behaviours over the long term and won’t have to worry about body weight problems into their adult years.  

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Four Steps To The Body Of Your Dreams: Your How To Guide

Four Steps To The Body Of Your Dreams: Your How To Guide

If you’re on a mission to build the body of your dreams, it’s vital that you’re making sure that you have a good game plan in place.  Many people set out with an end goal that they want to achieve, but don’t take the necessary steps to figure out how exactly they are going to achieve it.
If you want to see good results, you must make sure that you’re following a smart protocol that is designed to work with your body to get you the look that you’re after.
Let’s give you a step by step guide for doing so.

Step One: Determine Your Look
First things first, you need to get it clear in your mind the precise look that you’re going for.  If you don’t have a clear visual in mind of what it is you want to look like, it’s hard to develop a training routine that’s going to be effective.
Remember to keep this ‘look’ you desire reasonable and realistic, otherwise you’re fighting a losing battle from the beginning.

Step Two: Plan Your Diet
Once you have your desired look, then you need to form a diet plan.  If the look involves getting slimmer or leaner then a reduced calorie intake needs to be utilized.  If the look involves getting larger and building muscle or adding curves if you’re a female, then adding more calories to your current diet will be necessary.

A good place to start is adding or subtracting 300-500 calories in either direction as this should get you seeing progress quite quickly.
Then make sure that you eliminate all the processed and refined foods from your diet, so you’re eating as many natural foods as possible.  Get an even mix of proteins, carbs, and fats in each snack, with the carb and fat intake being slightly lower for those looking to lose weight and higher for those looking to gain.

Step Three: Design Your Weight Workout
After the diet is in place, then it comes time to design a workout.  Weight training is the best exercise for reshaping your body, so it’s what you’ll want to turn to.
If you want to bring out more muscle definition in certain regions, add in a few isolated exercises for those muscle groups.  Be sure that you also have the compound exercises in place as well, as these will be key to building full body strength and conditioning.
If you want to lose fat, aim to keep the rest breaks between sets shorter as this will enable you to experience a better metabolic boost after each workout.

Step Four: Factor In Cardio
Finally, the last step is to factor in cardio.  If you’re trying to fill out or build muscle, your cardio exercise will be minimal as you don’t want to be burning off too many additional calories.
If you’re looking to lose fat on the other hand, then you’ll want to add more cardio in.
Cardio should be a mixture of interval session as well as longer, moderate paced sessions to keep good balance in your program.

Just be sure to never let yourself sacrifice your weight lifting performance for cardio training instead as cardio simply isn’t as effective for changing your body.

So there you have the top things that you should remember with regards to designing a complete body transformation plan.  If you take the time now to lay everything out, all you’ll have to do is follow your ‘road map’ for success.  

Four Great Low Calorie Ways To Eat Chicken

Four Great Low Calorie Ways To Eat Chicken

Tired of always serving up grilled chicken breast alongside fresh veggies?  There’s no questioning the fact that grilled chicken is one of the most popular meals among any dieters who are looking to lose weight.

It’s fast, it’s easy, and it’s very low in calories, high in protein, and low in fat.  Basically, it’s every dieter’s dream meal come true.

Except for the fact that it gets boring fast.  Unless you’re trying to make your diet varied and interesting on a regular basis, it’ll only be so long before you find yourself smack dab in the middle of the fast food drive-thru.

Fortunately, with a little creativity you can definitely try something new and interesting with chicken to add more flare to your diet.
Let’s give you a few ideas to get started.

Prepare Chicken Lettuce Wraps
One fresh way to enjoy chicken is to prepare some chicken lettuce wraps.  This is the perfect idea for those who are following a very low carb diet plan as it’ll be 100% protein and veggies.  Simply stir-fry some chicken strips with a few of your favourite veggies such as mushrooms, onions, carrots, and peppers, and then place this mixture on some lettuce leaves and wrap up as you normally would.
Add whatever spices or seasonings you’d like during the stir-frying process to add extra flavour without the calories.

Make Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken noodle soup is a very forgotten about dish that can really hit the spot when you have some strong hunger pains.  Soups are one of the most filling foods you can eat and when prepared properly are also very low in calories as well.

Prepare your soup with a low-sodium chicken broth along with plenty of freshly chopped veggies.  Add in the grilled chicken pieces and then either use a small amount of whole wheat pasta or consider adding a few sweet potatoes for carbohydrates instead.  These tend to have a lower impact on your blood glucose level so will ensure your energy level stays stable over time.

Try A Chicken Pita
Moving along, a chicken pita is a perfect lunch meal to take with you on the go.  The great thing about a pita versus a sandwich is that it’s far easier to really pack in a high dose of veggies, keeping the calorie count down but the nutritional count up.
Be sure to choose a whole wheat variety of pita and use a low calorie dressing such as balsamic or raspberry vinaigrette.

Consider Making Meatballs
Finally, if you’re someone who really enjoys meatballs but don’t want the fat along with it, consider preparing ground chicken meatballs instead.  This is a perfect diet-friendly way to reap all the health benefits of chicken but without the excess calories that will expand your waistline.
Prepare them using ground chicken meat, which is naturally lower in fat than ground beef and a few egg whites and a quarter cup of oats to make them stick.  Add in your spices and then cook as you normally would with any other prepared meatball.

Serve with some freshly prepared tomato sauce over some spaghetti squash and you’ll be giving your taste buds something to enjoy while you maintain a low calorie diet.
So there you have four quick and easy ways to liven up your chicken and add more variety to your diet.  Next time you’re feeling bored, make sure you give one of these a try.

As a last tip – consider adding Phen375 supplement to your diet program. 

Five Fixes To Keep Your Workouts Interesting

Five Fixes To Keep Your Workouts Interesting

As you go about your workout program, one of the most important things that you must be doing is looking at how you can liven up the sessions so as to keep them interesting and you coming back for more.

Adherence to a workout plan is one of the largest factors determining your success, so unless you’re making sure that you are regularly completing each and every session, you’re going to fail to see results.

Fortunately, with a few quick fixes here and there you can make sure that you enjoy your workouts maximally.
Let’s look at what these quick fixes are so that you can start including them in your approach today.

Use Alternate Grips
The first quick fix to add more interest is to simply change your grip around.  For example, if you typically use an overhand grip while doing bent over barbell rows, try an underhand grip instead for a while.

This will target the muscles in a slightly different manner and make sure that they keep on responding.

Use Different Stances
The second quick fix is to change your stance. This works especially well when performing squats or leg press as the simple shift can really alter the stress loading pattern.
For example, when on the leg press, the closer together you place the feet, the more you’re going to work the quad muscles.  The further away you place the feet, the more you’ll work the inner thighs.
Adjust according to which area of the leg you want to work the most.

Switch Between Exercise Equipment Modes
Another quick and easy way to add more interest to your workout program is to switch between exercise modes. For instance, rather than using weight machines, try using dumbbells for a change.
Or, if you always use barbells, try some exercises using cable pulleys as well.  These will make the movement pattern slightly different and add more excitement to your session.

Add Interval Training
Interval training is a good way to shake up any dull cardio routine.  Rather than doing the typical interval approach, perform max intervals instead. What this means is that there’s no time limit on the interval you do, just run at a more intense pace for as long as you possibly can, and then stop and walk to rest.  As soon as you’re ready again, go for a second round.
Removing the time limits can actually help you work harder than you would if they were there.

Vary Your Rep Range
Finally, the last quick and easy way to liven up your workouts so you stick with them is to vary your rep range.

While it’s definitely true that certain rep ranges are going to target certain training goals better than others, it’s still important to have variety.

Try varying your rep ranges right in the same session.  Rather than doing four sets of eight for instance, do one set of eight, one set of 10, one set of 12, and then one set of 8 again.
So next time you’re feeling down about hitting the gym again because you’re bored of the same old protocol, use any of these techniques to change it up and get your excitement back.

As a last tip – consider adding Phen375 supplement to your diet program. 

Fall Outdoor Activities That Burn Fat Fast

Fall Outdoor Activities That Burn Fat Fast

If you’re gearing up to continue on or start with a weight loss program this fall, it’s important that you include plenty of variety in your workout program so that you’re constantly looking forward to each workout as it comes. 

Many people make the mistake of going into the gym and performing the same workout over and over again which eventually causes them to fall off the bandwagon as they just cannot stand the thought of yet another same old session.

Switching it up and taking your workouts outside for a change of pace every once in a while is a great way to boost your fitness level, cure boredom, and burn fat.
Let’s have a quick peak at some of the top fat burning activities that you can do this fall.

The first activity to consider is taking a rollerblade through the park or any trails around your area.  Rollerblading, especially on a hilly trail is one of the best ways to work the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, and burn calories incredibly quickly.
What’s more is that unless you’re very experienced with this activity, it’ll also prove to be a great core workout as well as the abs will constantly be called into play to keep you balanced.

With the cooler fall weather, now’s a great time to get out and go hiking.  You won’t have to fight the summer heat for a longer session and will be able to enjoy the changing fall scenery.
A hike for 2-3 hours could easily burn up to 1500 calories if you’re on a varied terrain, so this is the perfect weekend getaway to help boost your fitness, kill stress, and get away from it all.

Trail Running
Trail running is the next excellent outdoor activity to consider.  Again, running in the summer heat can be quite problematic for many people but as the weather turns slightly cooler in the fall, it’s the perfect chance to get outdoors.
Just be sure if you are going to go trail running you wear a good pair of supportive footwear as it is much easier to roll an ankle when you’re not on flat ground.

Raking Leaves
Finally, don’t ever overlook raking leaves as a fall activity to burn calories and get out of the gym.  While you may not exactly consider this a ‘fun activity’ as it’s more of a chore, it’s still going to burn plenty of calories nevertheless.

If you really don’t feel like hitting the gym on any given day but have a yard full of leaves to rake up, skip it and do that instead.  Not only will you give you cardiovascular system a workout, your entire upper body will be feeling it.

So there you have a few great fall suggestions to get your calorie burn up while getting out of the gym.  It’s really quite easy to get fit without regular workout sessions if you put a little creativity into it and think of alternative exercises that you would enjoy.