
Monday, February 8, 2016

Summer Drinks – Try These Healthy Cool-You-Down Recipes

Summer Drinks – Try These Healthy Cool-You-Down Recipes

With the summer season on the way right now, many of you may be looking forward to indulging in a number of summer beverages to help beat the heat.
But, in doing so, if you aren’t careful, you may start taking in far more calories, sugar, and non-nutritive calories than you desired.
The problem with many summer beverages is not only do they contain alcohol, but they also contain add sugary mixers, this really adds up and sends your blood glucose levels soaring.
The good news is that if you choose properly, you definitely can have some fancier summer beverages without derailing your diet.
Let’s give you a few ideas to get started.

Vodka And Sparking Water
If it is an alcohol drink that you’re looking for, you want to choose the variation of alcohol that contains the lowest amount of calories possible. That just happens to be vodka.  But, rather than mixing it with soda and adding far too many grams of sugar and calories to the mix, try adding it with some sugar free sparkling water.
You can purchase this in many different flavors and it’ll really jazz up the drink quickly.

Fruit Slush
Next, another great option to try out is the fruit slush.  For this one, you’ll simply want to blend together from frozen fruit or fresh fruit along with ice cubes if using fresh fruit. Add in about a quarter cup of water, and some water to help thin it down. If needed, add some Splenda or a sweetener of choice to help increase the sweetness factor.
This is a low-calorie way to cool down quickly and will beat any commercial slush that you otherwise would have purchased.

Creamy Protein Packed Pina Colada
The third great summer drinks option is a creamy pina colada. This one is great for immediately after a workout because it’ll provide you with a good source of protein, some fast acting carbs, and not too much additional fat.
To prepare it, combine one scoop of banana flavored protein powder with a quarter cup of Greek yogurt along with half a cup of skim milk. Then add in ½ cup of canned or fresh pineapple and one to two tablespoons of dried unsweetened coconut.
Finally, for a thicker more slush-like consistency, add in one to two cubes of ice as well.
Put this all into a blender and blend until your desired consistency is reached.
So there you have some of the top options for summer drinks this season. One addition point that you must keep in mind is that you should avoid overdoing it on the diet soda side of things. Some people mistakenly believe that these will be a good option to have when really they aren’t.

If you want to keep your diet and health in check, they must be avoided as well. 


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